Friday, August 28, 2009

most frustatin dae eva! stated in da title, its a frustratin dae. had NP competition 2dae at Sengkang n sme other 8th batch are in captains ball. we were da last skul to plae n our opponent was Bukit Batok or sth sec...da referee was frm st.nicholas skul if i'm nt wrong. both opponent n rferee sux! da referee was damn irritatin...she stopped us cuz we were 'steppin' bt actually one of our opponent stepped on our team foot n dey get da ball?!?! it was lyke WTF?! dh lah ngah bulan puase...kiwak sakk! n da referee even stopped us cuz we hold da ball fer mre dan 3secs. den other skuls dey hold even mre dan 5secs she nvr stop. wat on earth is wrong wit EVG?! tk puas ke perr?! fer our opponent, dh menang abeii nk tolak2 sakk. tk puas hati ke perr sial?! dh menang pon tk puas hati! babi. due2 opponent ngan referee dh mkn terlau bnyk babi smpi perangai pon mcm BAB! puki sakk. >= /
sowie fer all da bad wurds...juz needa let out me feelings. urgh! sux man. bt nvm...der's still next week competition. hope to win diz tyme. wish us luck dudes n dudettes! ; D
datz pwactically all so ciao!
~BlUeNa aka Yana~