Tuesday, August 11, 2009

fun weekend

went fer dinner at a chines restaurant...

Daniel was too tired bt acted as if he was asleep...

the lobby of The Elizabeth Hotel...

me mum wanted to telekong so she used da bathrobe. = P

da sink in da toilet of the room...

da toilet...

da room...

da room number dat me cuz'ns were in...

a spectacle shop in queenstown shoppin do i look in specs? haha...= P
<OrAnGeNaD, BlUeNa, PuRpLeRiNa>

my own sundae! yum yum...

hot chocolate frm McCafe...

thought of takin a video of me cuz'ns plaein quietly but got caught aniwaez n was chased by the end, she got hurt. not a major hurt btw. = P

daniel woke us up early in da morn cuz he slept damn early last nyte n cuz we were all still sleepy...he entertained da 3G by bullyin me bro. soon l8r, we joined in bullyin hym...haha. x D
(me bro bullied by a bunch of little hooligans)
ate @ changi point after plaein golf...
hey-o ppl! sowie havent been updatin me blog fer quite a was cuz i am lazie to update. hehe...= P
aniwaez...had lotsa damn fun durin da weekends!
did nothin much...all i remembered was dat we went to McCafe @ East Coast n i had a Hot Chocolate...x D
den we walked @ da beach fer a while b4 returnin hme...
had lotsa fun! went to kenduri at ard 2pm wit me unc...when we reached, salam2 everywan we know der n we w8-ed fer me cuz'ns to arrive. when dey, OrangeNad n PurpleRina went to take food 2getha. went bac to our seats n ate our food. den PurpleRina went fer 2nd round...cuz she was damn hungry. haha. after da weddin we went to queenstown shoppin centre to search fer OrangeNad specs...went to McD ferst cuz da spectacle shop was packed wit lotsa ppl. after we have settled everyting at queenstown shoppin centre, we went to me cuz'ns hotel...watched National Dae at their hotel a while den went out again to Safra Club to watch da fireworks...da 3G plaed at da beach a while while w8-in fer da fireworks to start...after da fireworks, we plaed bowlin n i oni got 1 pathetic strike. haha...after which, we went to a chinese restaurant fer dinner. after dinner, went bac to Safra Club. 3G was left alone wit juz $10 while me bro n me unc plaed golf...we 3G thought of plaein bowlin again bt
didnt have enuf money. ={
so we decided to walk ard da club...ended up at da drivin range n sat/lie der tinkin our mum wuld cum soon l8r to pick us up...but we waited n talked n sing n act lyke cast awaes........she didnt cum. we walked ard da club again, went to da toilet, n went bac to da drivin range. den we saw our car cumin 2wards our direction...was reliefed lyke hell. bt when we went into da car...our mum parked da car which was not far frm where we sat juz nw. we found out dat me unc n bro was juz a block awae frm where we sat! den we gt frustrated as hell. it was still FUN!
after all dat...we decided to sleep in da hotel wit me cuz'ns.
Happie National Dae! x D
woke up...bullied me bro a while...bathed...dressed up n went to adam's road fer bweakfast after me aunt have packed all da stuffs as she was gna check-out of da hotel. after bweakfast...went to Vivo City n walked ard...den me cuz'ns had to make their wae bac hme to KL.
so me n me family went to ABC fer deserts. while eatin...discovered dat me aunt changed her mind n decided to stae another nite at me unc hse! so me n OrangeNad wanted to meet dem again cuz we wanted to plae bowlin 2getha. so we went to me unc hse after deserts. me unc had 6 cute cats! especially Snowy hu was 1 year old! she was damn cute! she was shy though. den we went to Safra Club to plae bowlin...while me mum, bro n unc went to plae golf.
after we plaed bowlin...we went to join me mum in golf...we ended up plaein golf too n it was damn fun! if i' not wrong da furthest dat my ball went was ard 1-2km? haha...da shortest was lyke less dan 10 feets awae...hehe. = P
after dat, we went to changi point fer dinner.
i'm out of energy oredi...lolz. aniwaes...datz all i've got so buh-buh-bye everywan! haha...hope u guys had a fun weekend too. = P

~BlUeNa aka Yana~